Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Maybe a little too deep, but...

I have read this over and over since I lost my grandmother (who raised me) in January:

You Want a Physicist to Speak at Your Funeral

It makes me feel ok.

Friday, June 21, 2013


My latest obsession. Seriously. Stop laughing. Before you brush this one off, watch the following videos:

You want to try it, right? Marisa Tomei is obsessed with it: Ellen likes guess is Oprah would too. How can you argue with that? Just pick up a hoop and go. The bigger and heavier it is, the easier it's going to be (up to a certain point-don't get the weighted fitness hoops, they are too much). It's frustrating at first, but once you get it you don't want to stop. Anything you want to know you can find here:

If (when) you want to start learning some tricks, this guy breaks it down really well:

It's the next big thing. Even if it's not-you should try it. You cannot be in a bad mood while hooping. Promise.

First things first...part two

This is my second blog post ever, written over 3 years ago. I started writing just to talk about all of the things I was excited about (which is a lot). Here's where my brain was way back then:

This probably should have been my first blog post, but logical sequences of events have never found their way into my life. I guess I should throw my intentions out there (just in case the title is dubious). I've never really had a hobby or something I've been super good at doing. Being in school for 8 years has always been my excuse (the only thing I excelled at in undergrad was functioning on a high academic level as a probable alcoholic and pharmacy school was pretty much the same). I spend most of my time finding stuff that sounds awesome until I try it and realize it's kinda hard/boring/time consuming, etc. Then I move on to the next whim. This may seem like a character defect to some, but a good friend once told me that it made me good at life. This was an epiphany. Something you see as a fault in your persona (lack of commitment, dedication, short attention span, etc.) can be perceived in a positive way and turned into a big batch of awesome. So even though I don't feel like it most of the time, I'm going with the impression that I'm good at life, and I'm expanding on it. I'm going to chronicle my whims here and maybe one or two will stick. Maybe not. Either way, it has to be more fun than pharmacy...

Many of the things that I've been reading lately talk about focus and getting clear on what you want to do. This has been stressing. me. out. Maybe it's getting older that is making me think more about time (time spent, wasted, however you want to look at it). I keep thinking I need to take a leap into something new, but WHAT? I like everything! If I could really have it my way, I'd be a hula hooping banjo player who teaches yoga and writes (blogs? books?) and runs a race from time to time. I'd join the military and also open a no kill shelter for dogs. All while traveling the world. How's that for focus? So reading the above post again makes me realize that this is just who I am. I like a lot of stuff. Maybe I'll never excel at any one thing, but I'm going to have a damn good time trying to do them all. And I'm taking everyone who wants to go with me...

Getting on with it

It's been a long time since I've written anything here, although I think about it almost daily. I love to write, but there is some sort of block in my brain that always leads me to do something else "first". I stand in my own way of doing the things that I want, always waiting for the right time and for the stars to align. There is always the "I'll do it tomorrow" excuse, amongst many others. I just went back and read some of my older posts, and realized that they don't exactly follow my theme of being good at life. My first instinct is to delete all of those posts, wipe the slate clean and start over, in an attempt to make things "right". However, I think that mentality has not served me and probably doesn't serve anyone else. There is no reason to get rid of who you were (or who your blog was) in the past in order to move on with your future. I've decided it's cool to keep that part with you as a reminder that all your times, in some way or another, have been good. So, today I start again. I'll repost my "First Things First" entry (maybe with a few edits) and get on with it from there. That is all.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ambien Walrus

Being exhausted does not make you want to be good at life.  So sometimes I take Ambien to turn off and go to sleep. If my mind races for more than 45 minutes at bedtime, I give up and give in to the meds. I usually fall asleep pretty quickly (or so I thought). When I first got the prescription, I began to think my apartment was haunted. There would be stuff in weird places, like the remote in the refrigerator or my peanut butter in the dryer (unopened, thankfully). Also, I would get emails that at first made me think my accounts had been hacked. "What the-who the hell cancelled my 3G account upon my request?!?). But when I thought really, really hard, I vaguely remembered doing these things. I decided that half a tablet was too much for me, and went down to a third (basically the equivalent of licking an ambien for most people). Now if I am doing something that is interesting enough to keep me awake after it kicks in, I have amazing ideas. I know they are amazing because I start texting them to everyone, and other people who take Ambien agree that they are earth shattering. Life altering, even. Example: A bar that is also a library and only plays History channel and has trivia every night. Maybe I'm a nerd, but I would go there all the time (even if I wasn't going to be the eventual owner). Sometimes you want to pretend you are social, and this is the perfect way to fake that while doing what you really want to be doing. "No, I didn't stay in and read a book Friday night! I went to a BAR! Who do you think I am, some kind of LOSER??". Hell, I don't know, maybe even put some pinterest up on a projector screen and people can vote on what to pin and turn it into a group drinking game. I'm not on Ambien right now so I'll have to contemplate that later. This entire post came up because one of my techs told me to google "ambien walrus". I'll save you a step:


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Over 2 years ago?

It's hard to believe that is the last time I posted anything to this blog. I'm still striving to "be good at life". In the last two years I've finished a residency, changed jobs, ended a relationship that wasn't working out, and finally moved to the big city (downtown Knoxville counts, right?). I've traveled so much that it started stressing me out a little, so I'm settling down a bit and paying off all that fun. One thing I'm sure of is that being in debt definitely does not add to the quality of life. I've also started a yoga teacher training that takes up quite a bit of time, but I like the structure. I will always be a "school junkie" and still get excited to buy notebooks and supplies. I still use an academic planner, because I love that it starts in August (the first "adult" one I bought with a January start depressed me for some unknown reason and got tossed). Overall, things are pretty glorious. And I'm grateful to realize I'm grateful for it all, if that makes sense.

So what makes life good, and what makes you good at life? I'm having a pretty awesome time finding out. I think, for me, new experiences and variety are a big part of being happy (which is a requirement for a good life). I just finished reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I really think that most people think that happiness is something that just happens. I know I did in the past, but in the last few years I've realized that it's something you have to work on. Yes, there are genetic predispositions, depression, etc. but I think identifying and being aware of what makes you tick (as well as what makes you explode) can really go a long way in your overall emotional wellbeing. The book is a pretty good read, and brings to your attention some things you probably normally overlook. For example, just keeping myself a little more physically comfortable at work can determine whether or not I want to run screaming from the hospital to the nearest bar after a 10 hour shift. So I bought a space heater, keep snickers handy, and I "always make water when I can" (a quote from the Duke of Wellington). Non-pharmacist may not relate to having to pee for 8 hours, but that happens. A lot. One of the resolutions in the book is to pursue a passion. I have a new passion every other day. Maybe every day, depending on the amount of time I've spent trolling the internet finding hobbies I don't have time to pursue because I spend so much time on the internet. But I have always thought that I'd like to write. So here it is. Let's see if it takes me 27 months to get to my next post. If not, I'm already a success.